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Doctor Antony Kader El'Youghan, known simply as Youghon, has been an artist for over 50 years. His studies, qualifications, experience and reputation are exemplary. He started painting as a boy of 12 years of age taking ideas from nature and natural subjects.

He came to Australia originally settling in Sydney, where he quickly gained recognition. He has since held many exhibitions overseas - Munich, Damascus and Rome, to name just a few.

Youghon once said he is here to give Australia a new concept of Art. He believes all artists are communicators.

"Art must be looked at from all perspectives before it can be judged and it should never assault the eye", he says.

"Paintings must be relaxed. The more you look at them the more comforting and beautiful they should be."

During the 90's Youghon started his Melbourne Gallery.

His varied interests focused on the Australian landscape and the Gold Diggings. During this period of his life, he created the exhibition of mainly Australian landscapes including an Early Ballarat Collection.

He also painted other incredible subjects such as the enormous "Egyptian Figures" incorporating a lively resemblance of shapes, colours and happy figures. This eclectic piece spans over 2 metres x 1 metre and is a joy to visit.

Also included in the exhibition is a peaceful "Madonna With Children" scene, with lambs by a river, as well as a number of forestry studies.

Many of these brilliant artworks use a Youghon Technique of undercoating with a random layering of textures and shapes under the paintings, giving them an unique 3-dimensional texture.

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“If a man devotes himself to art, much evil is avoided that happens otherwise if one is idle.” – Albrecht Dürer


Shop 8/354
High Street,
Penrith, NSW 2750


(02) 4722 8211




Sunday: Closed

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